April 9, 2024
Lifetime NRA Member
I have known Martin for a short time but I have found him to be a man of integrity and passion. He is a firm believer in the US Constitution and the rule of law. Martin shares the same beliefs that I have when it comes down to the following subjects:
There are many more areas of common interest, but I will limit my comments to the above four items.
First of all, the trickle-down depression is caused by the democrat’s idea of making the corporations “pay their fair share” and “carbon allowances.” These misguided fools do not realize that all cooperation income taxes and carbon allowances are figured into the cost of goods sold and that those costs are passed on to the gullible and unwitting public.
Farmers are especially hard hit by the carbon allowance as it directly affects the cost of diesel. As I understand it, there is a provision for some sort of credit to large bulk purchasers of diesel, but not so much for the small farmer. Martin will address this injustice.
As for predator control, the bunny-hugging, leaf-licking liberals value the life of a wolf over that of a homeless vet. Wolves are eating us out of house and home! I trapped wolves in Alaska for over 15 years and they do not just prey on the sick and weak. They are killers of opportunity and will take whatever creature they happen upon. I have seen them come into the outskirts of Fairbanks and eat pet dogs right off their runs.
Wolves are decimating our wildlife. Just ask any hunter how many elk there are now as compared to the numbers in prior years. Martin and I share a common belief and while some wolves can be a good thing, too many (as is the case now), is a disaster.
The Second Amendment is being slowly eroded by the liberal left. This has to stop.
I firmly believe that the Second Amendment needs to be protected at all costs. I am a lifetime member of the NRA and am at the Golden Eagle Status.
Vote for Martin Lee Wheeler for Governor!
Alan C. Jones, Lifetime NRA Member