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 Free Trade Agreement with Israel 

You may not be aware that Washington State and the nation of Israel signed a Free Trade Agreement on March 1, 2018, at our capital in Olympia. It has not been well publicized. Israel is a major trade partner and ally of our state. 

What do Washington State and Israel have in common? 

We both encourage entrepreneurialism and innovation, and both have produced cutting-edge technologies that we continuously upgrade. Growing together makes us stronger. "Washington state companies regularly partner with and acquire innovative Israeli startups to expand their portfolio of high-tech products and services. In turn, these acquisitions have given Israeli companies a path to greater market access. This mutually beneficial relationship has further strengthened the existing cultural and economic ties between Israel and the Puget Sound region." ~ All of this makes both Israeli companies and companies in Washington State more profitable and competitive globally. 

In addition to the many technologically advanced products that Israel has provided to our computer and cell phone manufacturers there are many Israeli medical devices that have been employed by hospitals and medical offices in our communities. For example, the newer alternative to that dreaded preparation for a colonoscopy was developed by HyGleaCare, an Israeli/US company. If you've ever had an endoscopy, the capsule you swallowed transmits high-resolution imaging of your digestive tract. This medical technology was developed by Given Imaging and later sold to Medtronic. 

If you have Multiple Sclerosis there's a chance your medication may be Copaxone, developed by a doctor at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. This drug received FDA approval in 1996 and is marketed by Petah Tikvah-based Teva Pharmaceuticals. 

WatchPat, developed by Itamar Medical in Herzliya, Israel is worn on the wrist and one finger to diagnose your sleep apnea while you rest at home. 

The Superbug Detective Kit was the invention of Prof. Nathan Citri a 91-year-old Hebrew University professor for diagnosing the ever dangerous antibiotic-resistant superbugs within minutes rather than the previous five day waiting period. 

That thumb drive we've all become accustomed to was developed by three Israelis in the year 2000 who founded M-Systems which later sold to SanDisk. 

As Washington State and Israel continue the technological, agricultural, and medical advancements we contribute to the betterment of the world. Let's address farming in our state and how our partnership with Israel has benefited us

First, the Cherry Tomato we all love experienced breakthroughs in the early 1970s through the innovation of Botanists at Jerusalem's Hebrew University. They combined the best aspects of existing plants and developed disease resistant hybrids that give our farms and gardens an abundant harvest every summer. Is your mouth watering yet? Gubernatorial Candidate Martin Lee Wheeler operates an experimental organic gardening operation in partnership with Israel in Fall City, Washington where he assisted in its development. 

The global leader in computerized dairy farm systems and herd management is Afikim which was founded by a member of the kibbutz by that name. The kibbutz is in the River Jordan Valley near the Sea of Galilee. Dairy farmers and dairy consumers all benefit from these innovations. Developing markets like China are being assisted by Afikim to transform their dairy industries. 

"Israeli innovation in agricultural technology is not merely a story of advancements; it's a narrative of resilience, sustainability, and a commitment to feeding the world responsibly." ~ 

Israel is a tiny country that has struggled to succeed, but it is known for research and development. "Learning to confront adversity was a matter of survival, and led to a combination of attributes that are collectively unique. In Israel, one must achieve success with the resources at one's disposal, not the resources one would wish to have." ~ Gregory Kirsch 

In fact, Washington State has had a Jewish presence since Adolph Friedman of Latvia settled here in the 1840's. Jewish Washingtonians are our fellow peace-loving citizens, neighbors, friends, business owners and worshippers of the Living God. 

"Some striking similarities between Washington state and Israel reveal an effective roadmap to catalyze economic growth and innovation." ~ WCIT 

It is the writer's opinion that the trading relationship that Washington State and Israel enjoy will find its best friend in the person of Governor Martin Lee Wheeler as he will foster this relationship to its best and highest use. 

Christians and Jews reading this article will understand the following quote from Genesis 12:1-3. The LORD had said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (ESV) 

It was approximately 1250 BC when the twelve tribes of Israel entered the land of Canaan, now known as Israel, having made their exodus from Egypt 40 years prior. Some 400 years earlier Abram and Sarai entered the land following God's command to go "to the land I will show you”. 

Deborah Josephson





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