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Voter Contract Between the Citizens of Washington State And Martin Lee Wheeler

Voter Contract 
Between the Citizens of Washington State 
Martin Lee Wheeler 

To become the elected Governor of Washington State 
I hope this will be established between the Legal Registered Voters 
Martin Lee Wheeler 

Who was 
Registered with 
The Public Disclosure Commission 
November 22, 2022 
For the Primary Election 
August 6, 2024 
General Election 
November 5, 2024

1. Sanctity of Human Life 

I am proud to be an Independent. I am with the Republican Party so that my vote can be counted on the ballot in King County, Washington. If you do not place a (R) or (D) on the return envelope of the ballet for the 2024 Presidential Primary, your vote was not counted. Over 80,000 people did not fill this part of the envelop out which canceled their vote. I vote in King County, Washington. I work in all 39 (thirty-nine) Washington counties as a licensed professional commercial farmer. 
I am proud to be a voter in the State of Washington that protects human life and offers real solutions for women and strongly opposes infanticide, including specific support for: the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act; a human life constitutional amendment; a ban on abortion at 20 weeks, when unborn babies can feel pain; a ban on abortion based on sex or disability; a ban on dismemberment abortion "in which unborn babies are literally torn apart limb from limb;" abortion clinic safety regulations; a ban on human cloning, and creating or experimenting upon human embryos, including three-parent embryos; a ban on any sale of body parts; and a ban on the "use of public funds to preform or promote abortion or to fund those organizations which do this." 

2. Redefining Marriage 

"The American family is the foundation of civil society, and the cornerstone of the family is natural marriage, the union of one (1) man and one (1) woman."
I do not believe in the Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges. I would counsel and urge its reversal. 

3. LGBT (is homosexual as defined in the Bible) 

I embrace the principal that all legal citizens of Washington State and America should be treated with dignity and respect. I would up hold the current law of Washington State as Governor, however that does not infringe upon my right or null and void other legal citizen's right to hold Biblical values. 
Martin Lee Wheeler says “I will give you three (3) things. You give me (1) one!!"
But what are you asking for Governor Martin Lee Wheeler? That would be brought out through negotiations in legal contract writings. Something to think about citizens of Washington State. 
I support measures barring government discrimination because of one's views on marriage and family. 
I support the rights of parents to determine the proper medical treatment and therapy for their minor children. 
I oppose reshaping our schools and our entire society to fit the mold of an ideology alien to American's history and traditions. 
I oppose Title IX being used to impose a social and cultural revolution upon the American people by wrongly redefining sex discrimination to include sexual orientation or other categories. 
I oppose Presidents Obama's Title IX transgender bathroom edict. Open quote, "It is illegal, dangerous and ignores privacy issues.” Close quote, as listed with the American Disabilities Act. It could possibly cost the legal citizens of Washington State thousands of dollars in litigation in a Superior Court, as the case could land in front of a jury. 

4. Conscience Rights in Healthcare. 

Washington State's and America's healthcare professionals who are licensed with the State of Washington Department of Professional Licensing should not be forced to choose between following their faith and practicing their profession. We respect the rights of conscience of all healthcare professionals, doctors, nurses, paramedics, EMT's, Fire Departments, pharmacists and organizations, especially the faith-based groups which provide a major portion of care for the nation and the needy. 

5. Religious Liberty 

I strongly support the freedom of legal citizens of Washington State to act in accordance with their religious beliefs, not only in their houses of worship, but also in their everyday lives. The ongoing attempts to compel individuals, businesses, and institutions of faith to transgress their beliefs are part of a misguided effort to undermine religion and drive it from the public square. 
I value the right of all Washington State legal citizens the American right to speak freely, according to their faith. The government "is constitutionally prohibited from policing or censoring speech based on religious convictions or beliefs." 

6. God in Government 

If God-given, natural inalienable rights come-înto conflict with government, court or human-granted rights, the God-given, natural inalienable rights always prevail. 
I support the public display of the Ten Commands as a reflection of our history and our country's Judeo-Christian heritage. This entire platform mentions God 15 times. 

7. The Courts 

I support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life. 
I am who seeks to enable courts to begin to reverse the long line of activist decisions including Roe, Obergefell, and the Obama care cases. 

8. Sex Education 

I support sexual risk avoidance education that sets abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior. 

9. Education Choice in the State of Washington 

I will fight for school choice and local control. The State of Washington recognizes that parents, not government are a child's first and foremost educators. 
I support homeschooling, private schools, vouchers and tuition tax credits. 
l'encourage teaching the bible as an elective in the academic area whither in public schools (primary and secondary), community colleges, and universities as an elective that accept taxpayer funds. 
10. Social Experiment in the Military 

I reject the use of the military as a platform for social experimentation and will not accept attempts to undermine military priorities and mission readiness. The Washington State National Guard needs the full support of the Governor of Washington State, Martin Lee Wheeler, as does the State of Israel, who is a major Trade Partner and Alley of the State of Washington. The proclamation occurred on March 1, 2028. Shalom! 
I support the religious freedom of all military members, especially chaplains, and will not tolerate attempts to ban Bibles or religious symbols from military uniforms, facilities or vehicles. 

Martin Lee Wheeler 
Washington State 


Washington State 
Legal Registered Voters 

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